What's On Offer for Sporting Clubs and Active Recreation

Community Sports Stakeholder Pack|COVID Safe reopening

Hello North East Communities,

Our efforts of staying strong through the lockdowns, higher vaccination rates have allowed us to see these restrictions ease much earlier than expected.

Victoria is reopening. As the state hits double dose vaccination thresholds on the Roadmap, you must do everything you can to keep your organisation, league, club, volunteers, participants, and our community safe.

To support sport and recreation to reopen, the Stakeholder Pack has been developed for community sports clubs.

The community sports stakeholder pack includes materials that will support those with a vaccination requirement, as well as information on general COVID Safe behaviours for use by all.

Why Sport North East is sharing this and encouraging everyone to go through it, is because it covers topics such as:

  • posters
  • support guides
  • social media content
  • suggested website and newsletter content
  • booking confirmation email and SMS text for businesses.

You can find this stakeholder pack here. Make sure you share this with your friends, family and clubs.

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